See #💸now-published and 📘Diaries for Alumni benefits available to past and current online playtesting convention attendees.


(Est. April 2020)

This is our catch-all channel for general community chat. Every server member has access to post and read messages here.

It’s a great place to touch base with others on day-to-day goings on, use the /help slash command to ask for help with something you’re trying learn/troubl

eshoot, or say hello with an introduction of yourself, optionally including links to online spaces where others can follow you.

❓📝🏰clubhouse FAQ

#✍️design-challenge & #💸now-published

(Est. June 2024)

These channels represent opposite ends of the design journey — initial ideation & finished product. They are listed together in this FAQ because they have similar user interfaces in the Protospiel Online server.

❓#✍️design-challenge & #💸now-published FAQ

🎤show-discussion, 💙conventions, & 📘diaries

(Est. June 2024)

These are all forum-type channels with different purposes and post-creation permission settings. They are listed together in this FAQ because they have similar user interfaces in the Protospiel Online server.

❓🎤show-discussion, 💙conventions, & 📘diaries FAQ


(Est. January 2022)

#shoutout-a-palooza is a special channel where the attendees for our next upcoming playtesting convention send each other compliments in a knock-down drag-out team competition.

…Okay, it’s not actually violent, but the winning team does enjoy the bragging rights. ;)

Everyone in the server has access to read all the shoutouts our convention attendees post for one another. Many of the shoutouts are about prototypes the poster enjoyed playtesting, so this can be a fun channel for those who missed the convention to follow along and hear about games our designer community may be publishing in the future.